
Monday, 27 June 2011

I want to go to the seaside....

What incredible weather we've had the last couple of days? Always makes me smile when the sun comes out, even if it does happen very rarely here in England!

Yesterday me and my family headed to Worthing to visit my grandparents, was so nice seeing them. We took my grandma out in her wheelchair for a walk a long the coast and of course I took lots of snaps....

Very cool scooter- want one!

My sister Sara and her boyfriend Van :)

Had to take a snap of this car!

The fam! 

Was so nice to be by the sea and just forget about everyday life for a few hours. Also made me really want to move to the seaside!! One day :)

What did everyone else get up to at the weekend?

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Cats and Rocking Chairs

Ever so slightly obsessed with Morven from 'Cats and Rocking Chairs' style at the moment. She dresses the way I wish I could dress!

 Right now I'm having an 'I hate my wardrobe' moment, probably due to the schizophrenic British weather and also because of my current work situation. Currently I'm either working  from home which sees me wearing comfy trousers, (hello harems, tracksuit bottoms and PJ's), and anything warm on top...OR I'm working in my local Paperchase where I'm wearing a rather unflattering uniform. On the few occasions I do go out to socialise I end up staring at my wardrobe for hours before throwing on a go-to look. I miss dressing up everyday and putting thought and effort into what I wear, I know to some it seems frivolous, but to me dressing well gives me confidence. 

I'm hoping my career is going to head in a slightly more fashion friendly direction soon so I can revive my love for fashion and have fun with it again! 

And when that time comes I know where I'll be looking for inspiration, the beautiful Morven....

Anyone else feel uninspired fashion-wise sometimes? How do you get over it?

Also any chic suggestions for working from home looks?!

Monday, 20 June 2011

Week Off


You know what I love? Going to bed without having to set my alarm, knowing that I will wake up when my body wants to, not when society dictates. And lucky for me I have a WHOLE week of this. Time off work is one of life's little pleasures *sigh*

Saying that, I don't intend to spend my entire week doing nothing, (although there will be one or two days dedicated to just that), I want to get a few things accomplished. And me being the list fanatic that I am, I've written up a nice little to do list....


Clear out draws / tidy and organise wardrobe

Give room a thorough clean- dust, hoover etc.

Write a short story

Write article for freelance job 

Bake / cook something new

Decorate / find good DIY for glass GU pudding jars

Get back into exercise routine

Prepare for this week's 2 job interviews!!!

Go to the cinema to see new X men movie

Some fun stuff mixed in with some less fun stuff. Today I'm calling a 'nothing' day. Have been suffering with a cold the last few days so just trying to rest up and get over it so I can get on with my week! 

What do you guys use your time off for?

(p.s wish me luck for the job interviews! Hoping I get hired soon so I can finally make the move to London, so excited!)

Thursday, 16 June 2011

One Day

Another one of my favourite books is being made into a film! Excited and anxious in equal measures. 'One Day' is a sweet, funny tale of two friends and how their relationship mutates over the years, meeting up for one day each year on the anniversary of the day they met, I fell in love with the concept. 

Interested to see how Anne Hathaway tackles the role of Emma, I like the look of the trailer but only time will tell! 

Have any of you read the book? Going to check out the movie?

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Wish List

So while I'm waiting for the CMS at work to fix itself I thought I'd write up a quick wish list! I've managed to spend a silly amount of money this month already, so each of these are on hold until more funds appear...

1) The 'Style Diaries' book, started flicking through this round my sisters this morning and I'm loving it- I need to get my hands on my own copy! 

2) A subscription to Oh Comely Magazine. I'm so in love with this mag and I only own two copies! This must be rectified.

3) New tattoos!!! I want two more, one of them being a peacock feather on the back of my neck, something like this...

4) These Aldo Wedges...

5) This necklace from Regal Rose...

6) Oh and a job and flat in London would be just fab. Thanks.

What are you guys wishing for this week?

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

One woman's trash....

... is another woman's treasure, right? This week I have been thoroughly spoilt by my mum. She works in our local charity shop and is always coming home with bags of unwanted jewellery for me to rummage through. It's so much fun emptying the bags and hunting through for anything that catches my eye, this is what I got this week....  

(I'm especially in love with the wooden rosary style necklace!)

I have also noticed a theme to my jewellery collection this week..... I am a necklace-a-holic. Rings annoy me, bracelets get in the way, earrings are fun on occasion, but necklaces? I can't get enough. Layer me in chains and pendants and you'll see a very happy Kat. 

My only issue is storage, I currently use two necklace stands, but they are really overloaded and pieces keep getting tangled up. What do you guys use to store your necklaces? 

Monday, 6 June 2011

Fashion Memories


Fashion- whether you love it or not, it's an integral part of every girls life. But can you remember that first moment as a child when you fell in love with something and refused to take it off? I'm talking about your earliest fashion memory. I can remember mine vividly.

It was Christmas in the early 90's and I must have been about 6 or 7. I was told as it was a special occasion, I could wear GOLD SHOES. They kinda looked like these....

I remember putting on those glittery gold ballet pumps with such excitement, thinking they were magic. I was convinced I could walk on clouds with these shoes and threw an almighty tantrum when I was told to take them off at bed time. Since then I always attached magic qualities to my clothes, you should've seen me when Clarks had those 'secret keys' hidden in the heels of their shoes- I was ecstatic.

I think how you view fashion as a child really sticks with you. Obviously I don't think my gorgeous grey suede boots will help me walk on clouds, but I do feel a bit more magical with them on.

What are your fashion memories?

Friday, 3 June 2011


Just a quick round up of my favourite bits found on the internet this week....

This outfit from the lovely Bleubird Vintage blog...

This photo from Daydream Lily...

This incredibly cover by The Honey Trees found at Ella Masters blog

This necklace found via Lily in the Labyrinth...

And finally this quote found at Lights Drive my Soul...

"Happiness is achieved when we overcome the fear of the unknown, love the possibility of a new beginning, smile until it feels true again, and find the peace that follows"

Happy Friday everyone!  


Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Just a minute.... May


So we're now in June. This year is hurtling by so fast it's actually scaring me! May has ended on a sour note for me, marking the worst month in 2011 so far. So in that respect I'm glad it's over, I can only hope June gets a little easier.

Making: Sweet music. No, not really, that's a lie. Not made anything this month, will do better in June. Promise.

Watching: 'The Runaways' film with Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart- good film with an awesome soundtrack.

Reading: 'The Happiness Project' by Gretchen Rubin- a book documenting a year in the life of one woman dedicated to finding happiness. I'm up to March so far and am loving it.

Listening: Christina Peri, Jason Mraz, Heather Nova, Tristan Prettyman and The Foo Fighters.

Loving: My friends and family, they have been my rock.

Buying: TOO MUCH. I have taken the phrase 'retail therapy' a bit too literally. Skinny combat trousers, wing earrings, pendant necklace, maxi dress, dinners/drinks out, DVD's, albums....

How has your May been?