
Sunday, 28 April 2013

resolution round up

driving DVDs, home cooked meals, yoga mat and workout plan

Hands up if you made some New Year's resolutions this year? Now how many of you remember what they were and are tracking your progress? If you're anything like me in previous years, by now you would have either totally forgotten about them or kept them way in the back of your mind as something you'll 'get to' when you get the chance.

This year I wanted to really make an effort; maybe it's because I'm in my late 20's now, or maybe it's because overall I feel pretty happy and settled and that now is the time to finally get these things done! Either way, I told myself every four months I would check in with myself and see how I'm doing with my resolutions. 

so.... here's where I'm at:

learn to drive

As soon as Christmas and New Year were out the way I got my provisional licence. I've started lessons, studied a bit of theory and am looking to buy a car in May so I can practice driving between lessons. So far, I've really enjoyed learning! It's not quite as scary as I had anticipated, but at the moment I'm frustrated at how slowly I seem to be progressing (I've always been a bit inpatient when it comes to learning), but I'm hoping by buying a car and practising more I'll start to see progress. My goal is to be driving by Autumn, at the very latest.

get healthy

As I've mentioned in a previous post, this is going really well. I've changed things up recently by doing high intensity cross fit workouts (where you incorporate cardio and strength exercises) and yoga five days a week. My eating is pretty on point during the week and I'm letting myself have the odd blowout meal during the weekend. Loving being in a routine with it now and genuinely feel so much better for it, it's crazy how 'addicted' to exercise you can get...

cook more

Ahhh, there's always one resolution I struggle with. This year it's 'cook more'. I love watching Masterchef, I love eating out and I appreciate well cooked food - but ask me to prepare something from scratch and I lose all interest. I've cooked a couple of times so far this year (including a flawed but yummy prawn pasta dish for Valentines day), but I know this is the resolution I really need to work on.

look after my finances

This has gone pretty well, I've managed to save for a car and feel pretty confident I will be able to continue saving, just trying to reign in my spending at the weekends and to spend wisely on things that will benefit me, i.e driving lessons, workout clothes and cook books ;)

Are you working on any resolutions this year? Do you check in with yourself every now and then to see how you're doing?

Friday, 26 April 2013

just a minute april

Writing: Lots of content for our new photography website at work, covering things like photography projects and travel photography - loving it! 

Trying: Tea - I've never been a tea drinker but after enjoying a rather tasty cuppa at work recently I've decided to give fruit and herbal teas a go and see how I get on (I know, I'm so rock and roll!)

Watching: TV - Masterchef | Film - Trance

Listening: First Aid Kit

Buying: Strawberry & lime ciders, birthday presents for my love, ale trains and long weekends - lush.

Loving: The few scattered days of sunshine we've had this month, roll on summer :)

How is your April going?

Monday, 15 April 2013

clean slate

All images via my style pinterest board

Have you ever wanted to hit the pause button in life, throw away every remnant of a past life and make room for new beginnings? I do, and spring (the season of new beginnings) often instigates this overwhelming desire.

At the moment, this is feeling seems to have accumulated around my wardrobe. I stare into its depths every evening before bed in an attempt to plan my outfit for the following day and sigh with frustration. 

(I should probably premise this by admitting that my wardrobe is packed, full of clothes. But right now - I hate every damn thing)

Most of the clothing I own is either poorly fitting, bobbled, creased or coming away at the hem. I hate the dreary colour palette and the way nothing works together. I'm currently stuck in limbo, wearing a small number of outfits on repeat because they are the only combinations I can sartorially tolerate.

What I would love to do is throw it all out and start again. 

I want classic pieces that fit like a dream. Minimalist staples to be funked up with statement jewellery and graphic eyeliner. I want to replace every black piece of clothing I own with clean white with pops of neon. 

Sooooo, in conclusion - if someone would like to lend me a few grand so I can fulfil my fashion destiny for spring/summer '13, that would be ace. Cheers.

Anyone else get this feeling in spring? Going to have a huge wardrobe cleanse soon and save up for an epic shopping trip I think....

Friday, 5 April 2013


How lovely are long weekends? Despite England being unseasonably chilly this Easter I had a great one. Spent Friday evening in Chichester seeing friends where we proceeded to play too much 'touch cup', got on a random bus and ended up at a club in the middle of nowhere. Saturday was hangover day, so plenty of good food and lots of lazing around. Sunday I went for a stroll with my love by the canal, made friends with a puppy and watched boats go by. Monday was dull but productive - got all those boring jobs done that I had been putting off all month.

And so we're into April and hopefully *fingers crossed* spring! It may still be snowing, but I'm excited for the clean slate a new season promises.

How was your Easter?

Monday, 1 April 2013

best of 365 project

As I mentioned in my last post, I've been writing about photography for work recently and it's reminded me how much I love taking random photos to document moments :) It also reminded me about that time I took a photo every day for a year - Kat's 365 photography project - back in 2010/2011.

Looking back I'm so glad I did it, pretty cool to have a visual diary from a year of your life. Crazy to think how different life is now. Anyway, I thought I'd post some of my favourite pics from the year on here. Has anyone else done a 365 project? Would you do it again? I would like to do it again sometime, maybe a landmark year (like the first year of marriage, first year of baby's life etc.)