
Friday, 17 May 2013

favourite apps

Recently I have been rather enjoying my apps, so I thought I'd share a few I'm currently using. I won't go into detail about the obvious Facebook, Instagram, Twitter apps, because I'm sure most of us are aware of what these are ;)


'Any Do'

This little 'to-do' app has become part of my daily routine to remind me when I have driving lessons, any errands I need to run and even to prompt me to workout! I think the main reason I like it is its simplicity, all you do is type in what you need to do and cross it off where your done - the number of things you need to do will appear on your home screen as a gentle reminder.


'A Beautiful Mess' 

 I'm sure you've all heard of this new app! I've only just started playing with it but am loving the idea. Made by the creators of A Beautiful Mess blog, the app allows you to add pre-made doodles and text over your photos to prettify them. My only issue is the 'samey-ness' of it all, I'm slightly worried all of our photos are going to look cloned...

'1 Second Everyday'

Now, I haven't actually started using this app, but a friend of mine has and I love the concept. You video 1 second of your life every day for as long as you like (a year is recommended) and the app helps you edit them together into one seriously cool video. I'm not sure when I'm going to start this, but the app looks nice and easy to use!


'Yoga Studio'

I'm going to go into my yoga practice in another blog, but so far - this is the app I've been using when practicing at home. There are lots of different classes to follow, ranging from beginner to advanced and from 15 minutes to 60 minutes. Some of the moves are repeated a lot, but I have learned some new moves and I find it makes home practice so much easier. You can even go in and create your own classes if you want!

This app is great for motivation. It allows you to collate a list of activities you want to turn into habits and then document your progress. Some of mine include exercising, spend time with friends, avoid sugary drinks and even do a good deed! There is a list of pre-made goals included, but you can also create your own. You can join in the 'fig' community and allow people to see your activities, but I've chosen to keep mine private.


This is another new app for me and I've only just started using it. It is basically an introduction to meditation and mindfullness, starting you off with 10 minutes of meditation a day, for 10 days. The guided meditations so far are not at all what I expected (thank god) no twinkly music or chanting involved here - just being aware of your body and thoughts in an attempt to slowly train and quiet the mind. I really like the approach they take to meditation and I'm looking forward to finishing the 10 days!

So there you go, just a few of my favourite apps at the moment! Do you use any of these? Any others you would recommend?

Sunday, 28 April 2013

resolution round up

driving DVDs, home cooked meals, yoga mat and workout plan

Hands up if you made some New Year's resolutions this year? Now how many of you remember what they were and are tracking your progress? If you're anything like me in previous years, by now you would have either totally forgotten about them or kept them way in the back of your mind as something you'll 'get to' when you get the chance.

This year I wanted to really make an effort; maybe it's because I'm in my late 20's now, or maybe it's because overall I feel pretty happy and settled and that now is the time to finally get these things done! Either way, I told myself every four months I would check in with myself and see how I'm doing with my resolutions. 

so.... here's where I'm at:

learn to drive

As soon as Christmas and New Year were out the way I got my provisional licence. I've started lessons, studied a bit of theory and am looking to buy a car in May so I can practice driving between lessons. So far, I've really enjoyed learning! It's not quite as scary as I had anticipated, but at the moment I'm frustrated at how slowly I seem to be progressing (I've always been a bit inpatient when it comes to learning), but I'm hoping by buying a car and practising more I'll start to see progress. My goal is to be driving by Autumn, at the very latest.

get healthy

As I've mentioned in a previous post, this is going really well. I've changed things up recently by doing high intensity cross fit workouts (where you incorporate cardio and strength exercises) and yoga five days a week. My eating is pretty on point during the week and I'm letting myself have the odd blowout meal during the weekend. Loving being in a routine with it now and genuinely feel so much better for it, it's crazy how 'addicted' to exercise you can get...

cook more

Ahhh, there's always one resolution I struggle with. This year it's 'cook more'. I love watching Masterchef, I love eating out and I appreciate well cooked food - but ask me to prepare something from scratch and I lose all interest. I've cooked a couple of times so far this year (including a flawed but yummy prawn pasta dish for Valentines day), but I know this is the resolution I really need to work on.

look after my finances

This has gone pretty well, I've managed to save for a car and feel pretty confident I will be able to continue saving, just trying to reign in my spending at the weekends and to spend wisely on things that will benefit me, i.e driving lessons, workout clothes and cook books ;)

Are you working on any resolutions this year? Do you check in with yourself every now and then to see how you're doing?

Friday, 26 April 2013

just a minute april

Writing: Lots of content for our new photography website at work, covering things like photography projects and travel photography - loving it! 

Trying: Tea - I've never been a tea drinker but after enjoying a rather tasty cuppa at work recently I've decided to give fruit and herbal teas a go and see how I get on (I know, I'm so rock and roll!)

Watching: TV - Masterchef | Film - Trance

Listening: First Aid Kit

Buying: Strawberry & lime ciders, birthday presents for my love, ale trains and long weekends - lush.

Loving: The few scattered days of sunshine we've had this month, roll on summer :)

How is your April going?

Monday, 15 April 2013

clean slate

All images via my style pinterest board

Have you ever wanted to hit the pause button in life, throw away every remnant of a past life and make room for new beginnings? I do, and spring (the season of new beginnings) often instigates this overwhelming desire.

At the moment, this is feeling seems to have accumulated around my wardrobe. I stare into its depths every evening before bed in an attempt to plan my outfit for the following day and sigh with frustration. 

(I should probably premise this by admitting that my wardrobe is packed, full of clothes. But right now - I hate every damn thing)

Most of the clothing I own is either poorly fitting, bobbled, creased or coming away at the hem. I hate the dreary colour palette and the way nothing works together. I'm currently stuck in limbo, wearing a small number of outfits on repeat because they are the only combinations I can sartorially tolerate.

What I would love to do is throw it all out and start again. 

I want classic pieces that fit like a dream. Minimalist staples to be funked up with statement jewellery and graphic eyeliner. I want to replace every black piece of clothing I own with clean white with pops of neon. 

Sooooo, in conclusion - if someone would like to lend me a few grand so I can fulfil my fashion destiny for spring/summer '13, that would be ace. Cheers.

Anyone else get this feeling in spring? Going to have a huge wardrobe cleanse soon and save up for an epic shopping trip I think....

Friday, 5 April 2013


How lovely are long weekends? Despite England being unseasonably chilly this Easter I had a great one. Spent Friday evening in Chichester seeing friends where we proceeded to play too much 'touch cup', got on a random bus and ended up at a club in the middle of nowhere. Saturday was hangover day, so plenty of good food and lots of lazing around. Sunday I went for a stroll with my love by the canal, made friends with a puppy and watched boats go by. Monday was dull but productive - got all those boring jobs done that I had been putting off all month.

And so we're into April and hopefully *fingers crossed* spring! It may still be snowing, but I'm excited for the clean slate a new season promises.

How was your Easter?

Monday, 1 April 2013

best of 365 project

As I mentioned in my last post, I've been writing about photography for work recently and it's reminded me how much I love taking random photos to document moments :) It also reminded me about that time I took a photo every day for a year - Kat's 365 photography project - back in 2010/2011.

Looking back I'm so glad I did it, pretty cool to have a visual diary from a year of your life. Crazy to think how different life is now. Anyway, I thought I'd post some of my favourite pics from the year on here. Has anyone else done a 365 project? Would you do it again? I would like to do it again sometime, maybe a landmark year (like the first year of marriage, first year of baby's life etc.)

Thursday, 28 March 2013

just a minute march

Writing: Just started writing content for our photography directory at work, so far I've covered Lomography and fashion photography *happy face*

Trying: Heavier weights in my strength training - starting to gain a little more strength in my arms, finally!

Watching: TV - House | Film - Lords of Dogtown

Listening: Daughter | Fink | Jamie N Commons

Buying: Driving lessons, new glasses and a yoga mat

Loving: Random days out, cheat days and relaxing weekends away

How is your March going? Anyone else seriously over the snow?!

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

luna lighting

 Recently I have become ever so slightly obsessed with candles, especially scented ones. I just find that burning one during my yoga practice or in the evening at the end of a long day really relaxes me and I get the best nights sleep. When looking for pretty ways to display them I came across this rather lovely company called Luna Lighting. I love the simplicity of their designs and the variety they offer - I am particularly fond of the cute bicycle tea light holder! 

Do you burn scented candles/incense to relax you?

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

beauty habits

Recently I've been trying to get into a few beauty habits. I should probably premise this by saying I'm not massively into the whole beauty scene, I would much rather spend my money on a cute scarf than a new mascara. But now I'm edging ever further into my late 20s I think it's about time I address my routine - especially considering I still get spots (yawn). So here are my 10 new habits I'm trying to stick to...

1) Cleansing my face twice at night - once when I get home from work to remove my make-up, then again before bed to cleanse my skin. For this I'm using my favourite cleanser ever, Liz Earle cleanse & polish hot cloth cleanser.

2) Use a face mask once a week - I've started using Dr. Organic Manouka Honey face mask every Wednesday after yoga to give my skin a bit of a treat.

3) Wash my make up sponges once a week - trying to keep everything as clean as possible to prevent breakouts.

4) Keep my hair off my face at night - I use a fair amount of product in my hair and now it's getting longer I'm trying to keep it off my face at night.

5) Floss every night - I recently got a bit of a slap on the wrist from my dentist for not doing this, so trying to get back in the habit.

6) Experiment with lip colour - I've always been an eyes over lips kinda girl as I really struggle to find lip colours that suit me. I've recently branched out with a dark berry colour for night and a subtle pink for steps.

7) Paint my nails with more exciting colours - something I've always been lazy about, even though I have naturally long nails. When I do paint them I tend to stick to neutrals, so I'm trying to branch out a little! I've now bought some lovely new colours including navy blue, mint green and a metallic rust colour on top of my standard taupe and grey.

8) Keep on top of my eyebrow maintenance - any one else guilty of this? I always put off sorting my brows out until I begin to resemble a cave man, but no more! I'm now plucking stray hairs every couple of days to keep on top of things.

9) Exfoliate and moisturise - self explanatory really, must look after my skin a bit more.

10) Get out of my make-up product rut - I always use the same foundation, powder, blusher etc. I really need to see what else is on offer.

Any beauty habits you're trying to get into?

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

stack rings

all images via pinterest

Let me start this post off with a confession - I am not a ring person. I feel like they get in the way and  struggle to function with them obstructing my fingers. I'm not even really a bracelet person. Whenever I work at a computer (which is pretty much all the time considering I'm a copy writer by day and blog writer by night) I can't even have my watch on, it just irritates me. I'm much more of a necklace person (as you can see here), give me layered chains around my neck over cluttered fingers any day.

 Lately however, I have become rather obsessed with stack rings. Thin, plain ones with the odd Aztec-like flourish would be ideal. Even though I'm pretty sure at work I would take them all off and end up with a big pile of jewellery on my desk - wouldn't they look awesome the rest of the time? In fact, looking at my style board on Pinterest, it appears I do have quite the obsession with rings and bracelets. 

Perhaps it's about time I went out of my comfort zone and embraced cluttered fingers.

Are you a ring person or do they get in your way too?

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

a birthday in bath

For my birthday this year I was well and truly spoilt by my boyfriend and taken to Bath for the weekend. I've heard such great things about the city from friends and now I know why - it is such a gorgeous city and steeped in history. 

We stayed at the Royal Crescent hotel and received the most incredible service during our stay. Joe had told them it was my birthday and when we got to our room there was a cute box of handmade chocolates waiting for me with a written note wishing me a happy birthday! (it's the little things that make a difference). 

After unpacking we went to explore the city and took a look around the stunning Roman Baths (where we saw a couple of ducks enjoying the hot springs!) was so interesting to see all the relics they uncovered. Didn't get the chance to go inside the Abby, but we got to take in its beauty from the outside.

The rest of the afternoon was spent at the hotel spa for a relaxing swim, steam and sauna - heaven. We managed to find a cute little bar in the evening and had a couple of cocktails before dinner. Joe had booked us a table at the most INCREDIBLE Italian restaurant called Sotto Sotto, amazing service, romantic setting and delicious food, I thoroughly recommend it to anyone going to Bath.

The next day we took another stroll in town and stocked up on some Ben's Cookies before heading home. It was such a lovely weekend, will have to go back in the summer to explore the botanical gardens. 

Have you been to Bath? Anywhere you would recommend going?

Friday, 1 March 2013

getting healthy - how i'm doing it

Back in October I wrote a blog post about 'getting healthy' and even though my intentions were there, so was Christmas. I ate my way through November and December and came out the other side at my heavy-est weight in a long time and suffering from constant stomach cramps.

So when January rolled around, I decided to get serious about my health - feeling bloated and unwell all the time was getting old. So I made a resolution and this time, stuck to it. Since Christmas I have lost five pounds, my stomach cramps have gone, my skin is slowly starting to clear up and I generally have more energy. 

Here's what I've been doing and what I've found helpful...

Using 'My Fitness Pal' app to track what I'm eating

Swapping high sugar cereals for low sugar cereals 
(bitesize shredded wheat with a few sultanas is my new obsession)

Being good 90% of the time with food and letting myself have the odd blowout meal 
(usually something involving pasta, cheese and chocolate!!)

Drinking water instead of squash/juice/coke most of the time 
(I never used to drink plain water so this is a big deal for me)

Keeping my fitness regime varied with cardio (spinning or swimming) strength (free weights and body weight exercises) and flexibility (yoga)

Using the 'Yoga Studio' app to practice yoga at home on top of my weekly class

When I'm craving something sweet I either chew some sugar free gum or have a light Options hot chocolate
(I have a major sweet tooth so conquering cravings has been my main issue)

So far it's been going well and after two months, I really feel it's become a lifestyle change. I think one of the main things is to not put pressure on yourself to be 'perfect' all the time, I don't punish myself for having the odd takeaway. This means food is still a pleasure for me, not something to feel guilty about which is soooo important. I'll be doing a resolutions round-up post soon to let you know how I'm getting on with my other goals for 2013, feel it's a good idea to remind yourself where you are with them from time to time.

Anyone else trying to keep fit this year? How are you getting on with your resolutions/goals for 2013?

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

just a minute february

Writing: Lots of content about diet and exercise for work - I am a fountain of fitness knowledge right now!

Trying: Yoga at home. I love my weekly class so much and have now started practicing at home

Watching: TV - Walking Dead | Film - Cloud Atlas (I did not enjoy sadly)

Listening: Alt J | DJ Shadow

Buying: Clothes! Grey separates, cobalt shirt and lightweight knits

Loving: Getting into a routine with my fitness, pub lunches and lighter evenings

How is your February going?

Friday, 15 February 2013

lust have: the print shirt

 Zara Print Shirt 

This season I appear to be having somewhat of a Zara obsession. My love for the brand started young when a rather trendy friend of mine told me about a couple of cool Spanish stores called Mango and Zara. We travelled to London for the first time on our own to visit the stores, and the rest as they say is history.

Right now I need this over-sized leopard print shirt. Buttoned up over skinny black trousers for work, or loose over a plain tee and leggings for the weekend, this shirt is a serious multitasker. I'm already planning a trip to Reading to buy this shirt (because for some reason Guildford does NOT have a Zara yet?!) and I'm sure I'll end up with more a few more bits for spring.....

What are you currently lusting over?

Saturday, 9 February 2013

what if money was no object?

Found this video on Facebook and had to share it on here too. 

What did you want to do when you were a kid? 

I remember vividly being asked "what do you want to be when you grow up?" in year three and replying "a author" (clearly I had some way to go grammar wise). A few years after that we had to stand up on stage in front of the whole school  and say what we wanted to be when we grew up and why. By then I had decided I wanted to be a Vet because "I wuv animals".

Between then and secondary school I swung between professional horse rider and masseuse. The next time I remember being asked to consider my career was secondary school year 9 when we had to pick our 'options' for GCSE's. By then I was convinced I was going to be a singing superstar so chose music and drama. 

At college I realised I had no musical talent whatsoever and was right the first time round when I said I wanted to be an author, so I studied English Language, Media Studies and Psychology. When college came to an end I didn't know what the hell to do - so I went to uni to study media writing.

So far in my career I have worked in a factory, been a shop girl many times over, written thousands and thousands of words for free and had a stint in customer service for a fashion website. None of which really made me happy. I'm now writing for a living and can honestly say I'm happy.

Would I rather be travelling the world writing whatever I wanted and getting paid for it? Hell yeah! But  even though I'm not earning what most people my age are, I live at home with my parents and I can't drive, I'm still happy. I don't dread work on a Sunday night, I have time to go to yoga, read magazines and write blogs - and I have an amazing boyfriend and kick-ass friends and family. 

One day I'll be earning money from what I love - but until then, I'm happy to say I'm happy. 

Do you work to earn money, or are you lucky enough to enjoy what you do?  

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

just a minute january

*Writing: Content about personal training for work

*Trying: to exercise 3 x a week (yoga and spinning)

Watching: TV - Season 2 of Girls  |  Film - Take this Waltz

Listening: Of Monsters and Men  |  James Vincent McMorrow

Buying: Leaving cards and gifts for friends going on fabulous adventures

Loving: Work - starting to settle into my role more now and loving that I get to write every day!

* Instead of 'Making' I've added 'Writing' and 'Trying' to encourage me to write more and try more :)

Thursday, 24 January 2013

more love letters

Every week at work I have a blog day (I know, I seriously love my job) where I have to research and write various blogs on different things. Today I wrote a blog about writing love letters to strangers, and I had to share it here too.

The story started when Hannah Brencher moved to New York after college and felt incredibly isolated. After struggling with depression and loneliness she decided to reach out - to anyone.

And so her letter writing journey began. She wrote little love notes to strangers saying things like 'have a bright day!' and 'you're brilliant, even if you think nobody else thinks so' and left them in public places like the subway, cafes and park benches.

The idea is now 10,000 people strong and is slowly but surely brightening the world :)

Has anybody ever done this? Think it's such a great idea.

p.s for those wondering, I am now working for this company as a content writer (writing for their various directories) and I have never been happier in a job :)

Sunday, 20 January 2013

snowed in

So this weekend my plans quickly changed thanks to all the snow falling in Surrey. Instead of going to the cinema, going out for drinks and spending time with my boyfriend, I was snowed in. 

I've made the best of it though and have actually quite enjoyed my weekend at home! Saturday morning I got my butt on the exercise bike (yes, the 'get healthy' resolution is still going strong) and gave myself the permission to be lazy for the rest of the day. Cue lots of terrible TV, playing the Sims, watching 'Take this Waltz' (great film) and pampering myself with a face mask.

Today is my 'productive' day. I've cleared out my drawers and threw away a lot of junk, tidied and cleaned my room top to toe, caught up with my washing and even tackled some boring tax stuff. Now that's all done I plan on taking a long bubble bath and cosying up with a good book :)

Anyone else get snowed in?

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

want, need, wear, read

Loved the simplicity of this post idea from Bleubird, so have totally stolen it for Limbo :) 

Something I want, something I need, something to wear and something to read.


Stencils from Anthropologie




rose gold boyfriend watch


currently reading

Thursday, 3 January 2013


So as we say goodbye to 2012, it's time to say hello to 2013! I do love New Year's, the clean slate, the chance for a fresh start - it always gets me excited for the 12 months ahead. I feel this year is going to be a particularly good one, for one thing 13 has always been a lucky number in my family...


I always make resolutions (see 2012, 2011 and 2010) and this year I am more determined than ever to make things happen. At the end of 2012 I got myself a full-time writing job after years of trying, so now I am free to focus on other areas of my life.

Learn to drive
Yes, I am a 26 year old non-driver. It is time to change this, I owe people a LOT of lifts.

Get healthy
I have been feeling very unhealthy lately and it is starting to show, I've put on weight and my skin is breaking out. Time to look after myself. I will be getting back into Yoga, exercising more in general and will attempt to curb my serious chocolate addiction.

Cook more
I love food, but hate the cooking process. Alas, as much as I wish I could have my own personal chef living with me - it ain't gonna happen. Therefore, this WILL be the year I cook more for myself and for others.

Look after my finances
I want to buy a car this year. I want to move out of my family home this year. I cannot do these things if I continue to spend all my money on meals out, drinks and cinema trips! Time to cut the spending.

Looking back at previous lists, I have not achieved every resolution I've set myself, but I'm hoping this will be the year this changes. If not? Well, there's always 2014 ;)

What are your New Year's resolutions?