
Monday, 29 December 2014


Left to right: Jan = passed driving test / Feb = painting from my sister for my bday / March = dinner in the shard / April = new dress / May = BBQs and pink lippy / June = visiting friends in Zurich / July = cuddles with Sanka / August = volleyball in Southsea / Sept = top-down selfies / Oct = weekend with the girls / Nov = haircut / Dec = exploring Berlin

If I had to describe 2014 in one word, it would probably be 'challenging'. There were plenty of ups, plenty of downs and if anything, I certainly learnt a lot about myself. 

I passed my driving test and started the battle to get over my anxieties about driving. I turned 28. I ate some fantastic food at incredible restaurants. I travelled to Switzerland in the summer and Berlin in the winter. I attended two wedding receptions and two of my oldest friends got engaged to their partners. I visited friends in Southsea and ate at Pie & Vinyl twice. My family got a cat and I got a new cuddle buddy. I discovered red wine. My relationship ended. I cut my hair off. I went out drinking (a lot) and got 'escorted' out of a club. I said yes to as many social invitations as I could. I went to the cinema by myself. I became painfully aware of the limitations of my comfort zone. I spent Christmas with friends and family and loved it. I freaked out about the future.

Like I said, challenging.

So, what about 2015? If there's anything I've learnt this year, it's that life doesn't give a flying fuck about your plans - so I don't want to worry too much about making plans. I just want to live in the moment - be healthy, happy and mindful. The only plans I have made for 2015 is booking flights to Dubai to celebrate my birthday in the sun, drinking cocktails with a good friend. 

I'll save any resolutions or goals I make for another post. Until then - I hope you have had a lovely Christmas and are looking forward to a fresh start in 2015, I know I am.