
Monday, 3 May 2010

Fun Free Fings.....

This bank holiday weekend has ended up being a tad uninspiring with horrible weather and a lack of funds I decided to leave the scavenger hunt for another time with sunnier weather and more interesting places than my living room. Instead I hung out with the beautiful man and had a night out with my sis. Discovered on this night out that I am officially SKINT. Guess that's what happens when you don't get a job that pays and spend a lot of money (who knew?!). So instead of moping I want to write up a quick list of fun free things to cheer myself up. Then get back to job hunting....


1) Have a picnic consisting of only chocolate and wine.


2) Discovering new bands and rocking out in your study to them whilst writing blogs....(The Dead Weather- check them out, kind of like a girl version of Queens of the Stone Age, awesome!).

3) Taking silly pictures.


4)Playing Line-up 2 on the iPhone (I'm addicted)

5)Making up new games on long train journeys (5 points if you see a rabbit, 10 for Bambi's and 100 for not killing the screaming child behind you)

6)Reading old fashion magazines just to see the gorgeous editorials one more time.

7) Sticking on that favourite DVD that you know will make you smile.

8) Reading blogs and discovering new fav's like this:

9) Playing dress up.


10) Having fun with paper like these guys from

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