
Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Just a Minute....November


Making: Lots of hot chocolate. With marshmallows.

Watching: Back to the Future 1 and 2 (still got the 3rd one to go)

Reading: ID magazine, Short Stories by Kashu Ishiguro.

Listening: Interpol, Kyuss, Matt Nathanson, Mogwai and Sigur Ros.

Loving: My hand-me-down chunky knit jumper from my sister. Haven't taken it off in days.

Buying: Clothes! And jewellery and lots of Delicious lunches out.


  1. November went ridiculously quickly.. bring on Christmas! :)

    Rosie x

  2. It flew by didn't it! Yesss roll on Christmas and then the new year :) Can't wait :)


  3. Hi,
    Sorry it's taken me a long time to respond to your comment. I think we're very similar in our attempts to get into our dream careers. I do feel that it is hard for people our age. I work in tourism at the moment and intern once a week at a local magazine, which isn't as glamorous as it seems. I would really like to write for a living, but you're right, it is a case of slogging hard for hardly any money, if at all.
    It's sad that it has to be like this.
    I really like the picture you've chosen above.

  4. @ Is This Real Life? I'm all over the marshmellows this winter! And ID is like fashion porn to me, hehe :)

    @ LookingGlassGirl Oh no worries, it is sad that certain careers demand almost slave labour to get anywhere, my theory is that if I carry on doing it then one day it's got to pay off. Here's hoping anyway!!


  5. Love the concept of this post Kat! x

  6. Thanks! I may have nabbed the idea from someone elses blog hehe!


  7. YAY! Matt Nathanson & hot chocolate (w/ marshmellows) = lurrrve! <3 xxxZ
