
Sunday, 17 July 2011

Necklace Storage

Remember a while ago in my post 'One woman's trash...' I was trying to figure out ways of storing my many necklaces? Well, after checking out some blogs I found inspiration! I wish I could remember who's blog it was on, (do give me a shout if it was you), but I saw someone had attached some plastic adhesive hooks onto the inside of her wardrobe doors to hang her necklaces on! Genius! Originally I had planned to get myself a cork board and use pins, but after looking at the sheer weight and volume of my collection, I realised this may not work quite so well. So instead I promptly went out and got myself a load of adhesive hooks and started to sort out my mammoth necklace collection on the inside of my wardrobe. 

It has made accessorising so much easier and has even revealed some previously forgotten, (or tangled!), pieces.

This is how it looks...

Now both doors are covered with my longest chains while my shorter ones remain on my stands.

Today I also gave my wardrobe a bit of a clear out and organise, so things are looking pretty neat in there right now. Does anyone else store their necklaces like this?

(p.s I got my hooks from Robert Dyas but apparently you can also get them in poundland!)


  1. This is such a great idea, I'm definitely going to try this!

    Maria xxx

  2. Ah, no, I do not store my necklaces like this, but I shall from now on! I have terrific tangle issues with mine, and tend to keep them all in a tray, tightly wrapped and hoping that they do not connect with each other and form knots. It's wonderful to see someone else's solution to this, for i've been pondering it for a while now. :)

  3. I love this post, i love seeing how others store their jewellery! x

  4. THAT is a clever idea! Sadly not mine :)

  5. This is an awesome idea, and a great way to keep them from getting tangled!

  6. Oh that's a brilliant idea! I'm going to have to go buy more necklaces so I can do this too!

  7. what a great idea, I need to do this!

  8. Well that is a neat idea. I definitely need to do that too. =)
