
Saturday, 17 September 2011

Outfit : Day One

The first day of a new fashion job calls for some serious panic..... WHAT TO WEAR?! So a couple of months ago when I had my first day, I did some damage control with a bit (ok, a lot) of shopping. I ended up wearing this blue 'Mint Velvet' dress I picked up in the sales with a grey cardigan and black heels. A silver globe necklace from Rock 'n' Rose and a panic stricken facial expression completed my first day look. 

Dress: Mint Velvet
Cardi: New Look
Necklace: Rock 'n' Rose
Shoes: New Look

What did you wear on the first day of your latest job?


  1. This post could not have come at a better time for my current conundrum! New job starts in ... 9 days (terrifying) and I am trying to decide what to wear.
    Your outfit looks fantastic and I assume the job is going fantastically too? x

  2. Love your outfit, those boots are great! I always end up wearing something quite smart for my first day.. xx

  3. oooh, i'm so lovestruck by your brilliant necklace. such a beauty!

    xx //

  4. You look bloody fantastic! LOVE every part of this outfit, good luck in your new job :)

    Maria xxx

  5. LOVE that dress, it's so cool and that necklace is fab! On my first day at my current job I wore a polka dot dress, loafers and a red cardigan. There's a picture on my blog somewhere haha

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  6. Ah this is such a fab outfit you look lovely! Your necklace is fab too!
    Also thank you sooo much for your lovely comment on my blog about my shop, im so happy you liked my cards! X
