
Monday, 10 October 2011

Just a minute.... September


(really must start doing these in the appropriate month, not a week or so into the next one...)

Making: Brownies and cookies, getting back into the baking habit :)

Watching: Submarine- not what I expected, but was a very good film with a great soundtrack.

Reading: Alek Wek's biography, a fantastic read for anyone interested in fashion and the world of modelling.

Listening: Austra, Ben Howard, Radiohead and Peggy Sue's new album.

Buying: Green maxi skirt, men's necklaces, oh and drinks. Lots and lots of drinks.

Loving: LIFE! I'm so happy right now it's actually a little sickening. I'm one of those happy people singing to herself on the tube.


  1. hehe time is going so fast! I rather loved Submarine, and the soundtrack is amazing! I need to get into the habit of baking more... glad you're super happy :) xx

  2. Time is flying at the moment! Glad you are happy though, that's always an amazing feeling!

    Maria xxx
