
Thursday, 3 February 2011

Today... my mum's Birthday :)

Happy Birthday Mumma!

We went to Richmond for lunch and a stroll....

My sister wearing vintage.

Me wearing Primark turban, Topshop Coat and River Island jeans.

sister and mumma :)

Still to look forward to this month.....

Dinner party for mum's B'day on Saturday

Sea of Bees gig on 21st

My 25th Birthday on 23rd

Night out for my B'day on 26th

Fashion Weekend on 27th

(February 2011- you rock)


  1. Happy birthday to your mom!!! XD

  2. Thank you! We had a great day :) Xx

  3. I miss Surrey so much- from now on I'm hoping to get my Surrey fix through reading your blog!xx

  4. Ahh I'll do my best! I'm in the suberbs so it's really nice to venture out to slightly bigger and prettier cities like Richmond :) xx thanks for following by the way! xx
