
Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Look Lust: The Shirt

Another uniform related look lust, last time it was tucking in / trousers, this time it's the shirt. Maybe my inner fashionista wants a grown up wardrobe now I'm nearing 25? (eek). Either way, I apparently want to get smart.

I've noticed a trend forming on the blogosphere for sheer shirts and I'm totally falling for this look. The only shirts I currently own are my black Paperchase one for work and a too-small-for-me checked shirt that makes me look like a bloated cowgirl.

I think I need some new shirts in my life.

 Speaking of the sheer shirt trend, I particularly like how Jenn from A Little Bird Told Me wears hers...


I do think I would like something a little less sheer though, just for the wearability factor.
I like the look of this jersey shirt from New Look.....

I love the neutral colour and the fact that it's jersey- would be so easy to throw over a pair of skinny jeans and at only £14.99 I'm tempted...

Are you guys loving the shirt trend?

.... and more importantly- should I get this one?!?


  1. I have a love hate relationship with this trend. I kind of love it but it kind of hates me (because I have bewbs... so loose fitting shirts just make me look a bit, well, pregnant.) However, I got a lovely, sheer black shirt from New Look and it works a treat!
    Def think you should treat yourself to that shirt :) x

  2. Ah sounds like my love hate relationship for high waisted trousers- love the look, but it does not love me! New Look seem to have stepped their game up recently haven't they? Will have to look out for the sheer black one!

    Oh and I did treat myself to the shirt in the end :D Hopefully it'll look alright! Hate not being able to try stuff on!


  3. I was looking for the perfect shirt this weekend - my dream outfit at the moment is shirt, long cardigan and denim skirt. But sadly the hunt continues...

  4. I bought this one from New Look- is actually really nice on! maybe check Zara, I would think this would be something they do well...

