Saturday, 4 February 2012

Just a Minute.... January


Making: Blondies (white chocolate brownies) with peanut butter frosting. Not my favourite baking experiment, but fun to try.

Watching: The Adjustment Bureau, new season of How I met Your Mother and New Girl.

Reading: Style and You, gotta love the Sunday supplements.

Listening: 'The Civil Wars' on repeat.

Buying: As little as possible! Damn you January!

Loving: The prospect of a whole new year laid out in front of me- so much to achieve.

What were you up to in January?


Sharon said...

Hi there-yum, those brownies sound delicious, enjoy! thanks for following, I've added you to my fave list too! have a nice weekend x

Rachel, Cold Knees said...

Those brownies sound interesting. I was very poor for January so barely did anything either! xo

daisychain said...

Mm, send a Blondie my way!

daniela kate morosini said...

mm, blondies are delicious! lovely post :) xx


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