You know what I love? Going to bed without having to set my alarm, knowing that I will wake up when my body wants to, not when society dictates. And lucky for me I have a WHOLE week of this. Time off work is one of life's little pleasures *sigh*
Saying that, I don't intend to spend my entire week doing nothing, (although there will be one or two days dedicated to just that), I want to get a few things accomplished. And me being the list fanatic that I am, I've written up a nice little to do list....
Clear out draws / tidy and organise wardrobe
Give room a thorough clean- dust, hoover etc.
Write a short story
Write article for freelance job
Bake / cook something new
Decorate / find good DIY for glass GU pudding jars
Get back into exercise routine
Prepare for this week's 2 job interviews!!!
Go to the cinema to see new X men movie
Some fun stuff mixed in with some less fun stuff. Today I'm calling a 'nothing' day. Have been suffering with a cold the last few days so just trying to rest up and get over it so I can get on with my week!
What do you guys use your time off for?
(p.s wish me luck for the job interviews! Hoping I get hired soon so I can finally make the move to London, so excited!)