Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Yo Mama!!
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Peggy Who?

Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Fashion inspiration

Gorgeous. Thinking about starting a separate fashion blog.... with the occasional help of my stylistic genius sister, I want to show off her skills to the world!!
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Window to the soul

They can even make sponges look beautiful!.....

Saturday, 20 March 2010
Thanking you kindly :)
Well I just had a lovely little welcome home present from blog-world..... Comments!! To be honest I've never even thought to look at my comments section, I just assumed my mum, dad and maybe a couple of girlfriends bothered to read this! So imagine my shock when I discover I have 11 comments! From fellow bloggers! Some really lovely comments too such as:
'Great images and a great blog, keep on sharing :)
'loving your blog :D happy new year to you !'
'Hahahahahaha!!! Best short story ever, I read it allowed to my housemate :) x x x'
I wont go on, is making me blush hehe. Suffice to say I was shocked and utterly delighted. So I just wanted to say thank you to whoever reads this and I promise to keep an eye on my comments and will respond and give your blog a shout out!
It really is nice to know I'm not speaking into cyberspace alone, people are listening (eee!) which means I'll keep on writing and sharing on my, yet again, jobless life! Which by the way involves me applying my little heart out online daily. Have even got myself two interviews next week, one of which I am very excited about.....but won't go into detail, wouldn't want to jinx myself :p
Anyway enough of me blabbering on, here's a list of my favourite things since returning from Thailand.....
- My boyfriend organising a surprise welcome home meal for me at our favourite tapas restaurant in Camberley, El Pic. And him since spoiling me with birthday pressies and hugs galore :D

- Catching up on my magazines! Have so far read: 2 copies of Elle, 1 Vogue, 2 Company's, 2 Styles, 1 I-D.....and Metro on the train.
- Hanging with my sis again!
- Going to Bicester village!! OMG. It's my new shopping Nirvana, designer stock at outlet prices, got me a French connection dress (down from £120 to £18!!) and an All Saints waistcoat! Wanted an Alexander McQueen scarf so bad, but even though the designer threads were cheaper than they should be, at the end of the day.....I'm jobless.

- Catching up with my blog lovers- I know, I'm a geek, care. Have loads of new ones discovered from my commenter's, but haven't had a chance to peruse them properly yet- don't fret I'll write another blog dedicated to blogs again soon.
- Catching up with TV hehe. 'Skins'- I love you even though you are dark and troubled. 'LA Ink'- you make me want a body suit of tatts and a job with Kat Von D. 'The Cleveland Show'- you are so wrong.... but God help me, I love an eastern European talking bear.

- Finding new bands! Like 'Paper Route' and 'Dead Man's Bones' oooh and discovering 'Cat Power' (I know, I'm a little late to that party).
- Making plans and lists again- I cant wait to get a job/internship and make my way to Brighton with Antony :) I want to be beside the seaside!!
Anyways, that's all I've got right now. Another thank you to people who left me comments, totally made my day :) Love Love xx

Monday, 15 March 2010
Back to life, back to reality.....
No matter, I will tell all now. I say all- I mean most, I'll be here for months if I wanted to tell all, so instead I'll do what I do best- make a list. A list of highlights from each place during the month!
- Meeting everyone then proceeding to the red light district of Bangkok on the first night.
- Having our welcome meal at Cabbages and condoms restaurant.....
- Hitting Kaoh San road and racing tuk tuk's to a ping pong show on the second night. Gotta get the full experience right?
(That's a condom Christmas tree in case you couldn't read the sign...)
- Gorgeous setting by a river.
- Lovely pool, good for making whirl pools in :D
- Spending every night in Sugar Member bar, and celebrating the owners birthday with an amazing free buffet.
- Temple day, Getting my fortune told there...I'm gonna have a baby boy one day apparently :o.... Getting blessed by a monk and seeing crazy colours during meditation!
- Seeing the food market and learning to cook Pad Thai.
- Waterfalls.... (lots of waterfalls).
- Tiger Temple, getting to stroke about 50 various sized tigers!
- The views from the Death railway over the river Kwai.
- ....oh and of course the two cutest puppies ever Cookie and Tofu.
- Rural and remote town with friendly locals who always gave us a smile and a wave :)
- JACK!!! The best dog in town, followed us everywhere (even to classes) and attempted to protect us from other strays- legend in dog form!
- Secret party in Eddies Tree House....shhhh!
- The legendary 7-11 with its apple slices and kit-kat bites!
- The lake with bamboo raft to sunbathe on, and the odd swimming cockroach if you were unlucky!
- P Guesthouse and it's ice lemon drinks and chicken sandwiches (yum).
- Teaching for two weeks! The kids singing happy birthday to me and giving me sweets on my bday.
- Toy restaurant and its cheap and delicious meals, the vegetarian bakery with yummy chocolate cake, nom nom nom.
- Birthday party on a boat releasing lanterns for good luck.
- Ice creams on the way home from school...every day.
- Grandma's laundry service!
- Elephant trekking and bamboo rafting (and the hilarious DVD that came with it!).
- Canooing across the lake, visiting the Mon side for a festival.
- Being invited to a local party with live music, food and jewellery hehe.
Koh Phangnan:
- Beach week! Fantastic resort, living in a beach hut for a week and waking up to this view:
- Spending precious time in the hammock.
- Partying on the beach at Hadd Rin every night.
- The shopping....oh the shopping.....
- The sunsets!
- Getting a bamboo tattoo- cherry blossoms on the inside of my forearm.
- Buckets, buckets and more buckets.
So in summary- good times were had. Sad to be home, but happy to see everyone especially my family and Antony. He even arranged a surprise welcome home meal with all my closest friends! Was such a good night. Now I'm back it's time to get back to the real world and finding myself a job and figuring out when and how me and the boy can move our asses to Brighton.... Wish me luck :)