At the moment I have about 7 pieces of work on me, but my God they are addictive and I simply have to have more. I often get comments from members of the public, (especially when shopkeeping), saying a range of things from, 'is that permanent?', to, 'Ooooh that looks so cool', to the older generation saying, 'I hope you don't regret those when you're older' or even just, 'Wow, where did you get that?' - so it really varies. At the end of the day each and every one I have reminds me of a point in my life and no matter how old I am, I'm never going to regret marking those special moments.
Here are a couple of my big ones...
The rest are small symbols/words dotted around my body. And as much as I love them all, I have such a craving at the moment to get more! I want to add more feathers to my ribs, (they just doesn't feel complete yet!), I want to get some lettering across my other set of ribs, ooooh and I really want to get a peacock feather running from my neck down to the top of my back, something like this...

I am totally aware when I'm 80 they will all look terrible, and I will look like some crazy painted lady...but when I look down to my arm and remember my month in Thailand, or look to my ribs and remember the sense of freedom I felt at the time...I'm pretty sure I'll be smiling.
love the feathers in particular! am thinking of birds anf feathers for my next one..
I am inked also, bloody addictive!
really great blog! love kerry
Thanks Kerry! I love feathers and birds and all that jazz! So addictive, I've managed to get my sister hooked too hehe :)
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