I Have a couple of things to share with you today! First bit of loveliness is this extraordinary stop animation film 'Lost Things' created for a fab band called 'A Fine Frenzy'. Found this video through one of my favourite blogs, Shy Shoegazer and have even seen it floating around facebook- seems there are a lot of stop animation fans out there! Just love the creative quirkiness of it all. And it also makes me want to dye my hair RED....
Cute no?
The next piece of loveliness I would like to share is the latest issue of Cellardoor magazine. I'm proud to say I've contributed to three issues of this as well as pitching in with their lovely blog. The magazine itself is an online masterpiece full of kitsch illustrations, beautiful photography and well written articles. The two creators, Amy Power and Jade Cooper-Collins actually went to the same university as me and have come away with some serious skills. A modern magazine encompassing all things gorgeous - fashion, art, music, film, literature - all while actively encouraging emerging talent (which also happens to be this issue's theme!) Take a peek....
My short story is on pages 120-121 and is called 'Illustrated Dreams'
Watching the rain drops dance down the window pane, a disgruntled sigh woke Sofia from her day dream. Breaking her train of thought she turned to the distraction- ah yes it was a customer, of course. Her mind elbowed her body back into action,
"Yes sir sorry, how can I help?"
He proceeded to ask some inane question about the suggested century of one of the many dusty bowls sold in 'Gold's Hill Antique Emporium'. Sofia feigned interest, but to be truthful, antiques weren't her forte. She picked up this job when her first class degree in illustration proved to be completely defunct, and when debt proved to be painfully funct. These days drawing had become more of a hobby to entertain her ADD imagination while the days twirled in and out. People are her favourite subject to doodle, inspired by the eccentrics of East London and the hats they wear, Sofia would spend hours watching and sketching a couples argument.
Hope you enjoy :)
In other news, I'm off to London this evening to celebrate my good friend Paul's birthday! A few of us are gathering for an evening full of Brazilian food and entertainment- can't wait! My camera will be coming along for the ride so expect a photo-tastic blog post coming soon...

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