I got myself some rather gorgeous eyewear recently and wanted to share them with you :) I often get asked (by pre-pubescent boys in bars usually) why I don't 'Just wear contacts', I've also had comments about my glasses saying 'they make you look older' and even 'My mum has those glasses' (nice, right?) so I wanted to set the record straight about my four eyes.
Basically I used to be a contact wearer, I loved being able to see clearly without hiding behind frames, they gave me freedom and made me feel that extra bit special on nights out. But then I made the stupid mistake of wearing them in the lake on a watersports holiday. For non-contact wearer's reading.... this is a big no-no. I ended up with a nasty infection which led to a stay at hospital and permanent loss of sight in my left eye.
So now as much as I enjoyed wearing contacts, I just don't want to risk anything happening to my right eye. So I've embraced my new fashion accessory and have come to love wearing glasses full time. Here are my latest buys...
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